ADE 2023 program is complete
From October 18, Amsterdam will be all about music even more than usual. It’s time again for the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). During the Official Opening Event on Wednesday, October 18, the unique collaboration between ADE and The Rijksmuseum will be in the spotlight. This is what you want to know about the unique collaboration and the complete festival and conference program.
‘Breathe, Walk, Die’
ADE wants to be the artistic platform for young musical talents, with an emphasis on the cultural value of electronic music. The collaboration with the Rijksmuseum represents an important step in this direction. The Rijksmuseum also wants to bring different art disciplines together into unique, connecting experiences. ‘Breathe, Walk, Die’ is a result of this. This performance consists of the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen exhibition in the Rijksmuseum and the composition by DJ upsammy, led by creative producer Tom Trago. The themes are fear, lust and ambition, which explains the name. It promises to be a central showpiece of ADE 2023, through the live sounds of percussionist Valentina Magaletti and the visual interpretation of designer Theun Mosk.
“Thanks to our partnership with ADE and Heineken, we can offer a new
Hendrikje Crebolder, Director of Development and Media at the
audience a unique experience in the museum and beyond.”
Complete festival and conference programme
Also the complete program van October 18th until October 22 is finalized. With more than 2900 artists, every electronic music fanatic can indulge themselves. View the complete festival program on the ADE website. But you can do more than dance to your heart’s content. There is also a complete conference programme. From personal branding to using Artificial Intelligence, as a music professional you will learn everything for and about your field during various events. View the complete conference programme.
There are still some ADE Pro Passes available. Get your tickets quickly for the electronic music event of the year.
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