
Registration open for Annie M.G. Schmidtprijs 2023

Together with the Amsterdam Kleinkunst Festival, we annually award the Annie M.G. Schmidtprijs to a lyricist, composer and performing artist for the best Dutch-language theatre performance of the past year. In addition to honours, you will also receive a bronze bust of Frank Rosen and a cash prize of €3,500. Registrations are open and here’s what you need to know!

Submit for Annie M.G. Schmidtprijs 2023

Submitting a song for the Annie M.G. Schmidtprijs 2023 is available via the Amsterdam Kleinkunst Festival website. Please note the following conditions when registering:

  1. The song must be part of a professional Dutch-language theatre program.
  2. This theatre program must have premiered between January 1 and December 31, 2023.
  3. Each lyricist, composer and performing artist may submit a maximum of three songs.
  4. Previously submitted songs are no longer eligible.
  5. The nominated artists are willing to participate in promotional purposes such as performances and interviews in the context of their nomination and/or win.

This is what you submit:

  • Song in MP3 form.
  • Lyrics in Word or PDF.
  • Total setlist and playlist of the theatre program in Word or PDF.

Submit your song to the Amsterdam Kleinkunst Festival by December 15, 2023. Before you start your registration, view all conditions and requirements on

The selection, award show and compensation

The jury will make a first selection in a closed meeting in January 2024. The jury will announce a total of 6 nominees in March 2024.

Have you submitted your song? Then keep Sunday, April 21 2024, free to perform the song in the Kleine Komedie. The jury chairman then announces the winner of the Annie M.G. Schmidtprijs 2023.

For the performance you will receive a compensation of €250 excluding VAT and including travel costs per performing artist/musician with a maximum compensation of €1250 excluding VAT and including travel costs per nominated song.

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